Board Game Rules

Read This Aloud Before Playing the Game!


To move a token from Start to Finish by correctly answering the questions on the cards. First team to reach Finish wins the game!


  • 2 - 4 players (individuals or teams)


  • 1 game board
  • 1 die (use 2 dice to make the game go faster)
  • 4 playing tokens
  • 4 sets of Question & Answer cards


The InterActions Game has four categories of questions, each represented by a card color.

  • Red: Multiple choice
  • Blue: Energy, force and other diagrams
  • Yellow: Interaction type(s)
  • Green: General science. Some cards give the chance of bonus moves.


If you wish, you may set a time limit for answering questions (suggested time: 45 seconds, 1 minute for Green cards).

  1. Separate the Question Cards into four stacks, one stack per color. Make sure that all the cards have the Answer side down. Shuffle each stack of cards. Then place the stacks around the game board.

    Each team:
    • Chooses a token and places it on Start
    • Rolls the dice to see who will go first (highest die roll, roll again to break ties)
    • Takes turns clockwise from the first team
  2. The color of the square matches the color of the Question Card. For example, the Start Square is blue. Therefore, each team must correctly answer a Blue Question before the team can roll the die and advance.
  3. In turn, each team:
    • Draws the top card from the color of the space they are on
    • Reads and answers the question
    • Gives the card to the team on the right
  4. The team to the right:
    • Turns the card over to check the answer
    • Declares the answer correct or incorrect. Answers to the Red, Blue, and Yellow cards must be exact. For the Green cards, the team to the right makes a fair decision about whether or not the answer is correct. Text in bold on the Answer side should be part of the answer.
    • Replaces the card on the bottom of the stack, question side up.
  5. If the answer is correct, the answering team rolls the die and moves the number of spaces indicated by the die. If the answer is incorrect, the turn passes to the next team.

    Roll the die only after a correct answer is given.
    Please read this instruction aloud three times!

  6. Special squares:

    Stop Square
    Landing on a Stop Square ends the turn.

    Bridge Square
    A Bridge Square is an optional shortcut. A team that lands on a Bridge Square must decide, before reading the Bridge Square question, whether or not to cross the bridge. If they choose to cross the bridge, they must first try the Bridge Square question.

    • If they answer the Bridge Square question correctly, instead of rolling the die they cross the bridge. Then they try the question for the square at the other end of the bridge.
    • If they answer the Bridge Square question incorrectly, they roll the die, move backward, and end their turn.

    If a team decides not to cross the bridge, then the Bridge Square is treated like a normal square.

    Trap Square
    If the team answers the question incorrectly, they fall into the trap and slide down the water chute. They land in the square at the bottom, and end their turn.

    Wait Square
    Players must stop on the wait square; an exact die roll is not needed. To advance to Finish (and win the game), a team must answer a Red Question correctly. If the answer is incorrect, the team waits for their next turn to try to answer a Blue Question correctly. On any following turn, the team may choose the card category. The team must answer a question correctly before they can advance to Finish and win the game.

  7. Green Cards with Bonus Moves
    Bonus Green Cards state the number of extra spaces to move for extra correct evidence or interactions (depending on the card). For example, if a team gives bonus answers that add 2 extra spaces and rolls a 6, they must move 8 spaces forward.

    Evidence cards (those asking for all evidence of interactions between two objects):
    • The team to the right can accept an answer not listed on the card, if they are sure the answer is correct.
    • If the team to the right decides that two or more answers are incorrect, then the whole answer is wrong, and the turn is ended.
    Interaction cards (those asking for all interactions between two or more objects): An answer is correct only if

    • Each interaction is correctly identified and
    • The team correctly explains how or why each interaction occurs.
  8. A team's turn continues until the team
    • Gives a wrong answer or
    • Lands on a Stop Square or
    • Moves backward or
    • Gives the third correct answer in a row. After rolling a third time and advancing, the team's turn ends.
  9. If a team is stuck on a square for more than two turns, on the third turn they may choose any card category.
  10. All teams must STOP on the Wait Square before finishing the game.

Optional Rule

Move at start of turn: Unless a player's token is on a STOP square or the WAIT square, at the start of his or her turn only the player can roll the die and move without answering a question first. A player on a STOP or WAIT square still must answer a card question before moving. A player on a BRIDGE square can either choose to try to answer a card question in order to cross the bridge, or roll the die and move normally.