Unit 1 Criss-Cross Puzzle

Fill in the puzzle based on the clues listed below the puzzle.



3. contribute your ideas and reasons and respect your team and their ideas 

7. values far from most others in a set of data 

12. metals that interact with magnets 

14. a description of how an object interacts with another object 

15. variable that responds to change of another variable 



1. variables held constant 

2. a statement of what you think the relationship is between the manipulated and responding variables, and it can be experimentally tested 

4. characteristics that are specific to a given type of interaction 

5. a material that allows electric current to exist in it 

6. an experiment in which only the manipulated and responding variables change 

8. something in an experiment that changes or can be changed 

9. a measure of distance 

10. a device that measures the amount of electrical current in a circuit 

11. a measure of the matter an object contains 

13. experimental data 

16. a measure of how much space something occupies